Greenwood Elementary Veterans Day Program
November 11, 2022 at 9:15 am
Doors open at 8:45 am
Kindergarten stick work!
Our 5th graders on flannel/scarecrow day!
Continuing to welcome our new staff at Greenwood Elementary!
FFA members are headed to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis….first stop, Cabela’s in West Virginia.
Mrs. Gantt’s Kindergarten went on a fall adventure to observe changes in the seasons!
Kindergarten is “scaring” drugs away for Red Ribbon Week!
Next up in our "Welcome our new Wildcat" series of posts is Middle/High School Business Education Teacher, Mr. Jason Sieber!
Mrs. O’Toole’s awesome students helped Miss Roth pack and deliver food bags for the Wildcat Backpack Program today! For more info, check out “Wildcat Backpack Program” on our school website or contact your child’s school counselor.
10/20/22 - Greenwood High School Juniors and Seniors spent part of their day learning about financial literacy in mini-sessions sponsored by Belco Community Credit Union. Thank you to all the volunteers who took time away from their work week to share their expertise.
Next week, the Greenwood FFA's Parliamentary Procedure Team heads to Indianapolis to compete at the national level. This morning, they practiced and showcased their abilities for a group of teachers and administrators.
Mrs. Keener’s students practiced their empathy today by putting themselves in other people’s shoes! Students worked in groups to identify problems, feelings, and solutions for the students in their scenario.
Juniors & seniors prepare for a 'real life' financial experience prior to today’s Financial Literacy Day.
Angela Barlup, BELCO Community Credit Union, shares details about the Financial Reality Fair.
More Mola art inspired work! This is Mrs Kauffman’s class.
We are continuing to introduce our new staff!
Next up in our "Welcome our new Wildcat" series of posts is Middle/High School Family Consumer Sciences teacher, Ms. Tricia Benner!
Mola Art inspired work created by Mrs. Lesh’s 4th grade students!
We would like to introduce our new staff members!
9th grade students had the opportunity to learn about different career paths & what programs are offered at Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center.
Parents and students are encouraged to attend their Career Exploration Night in November.
Today the Liverpool Fire Company came to teach all of first grade about fire safety. After our lesson, the kiddos were able to tour both a fire truck and an ambulance.